House of Mirth

At the end of the day, would Lily and Selden make a good match? Could she ever really be satisfied with him, and vice versa?

At the end of the day, would Lily and Selden make a good match? Could she ever really be satisfied with him, and vice versa?

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I think that if things had worked out, they would have made an excellent match. They had plenty of chemistry, and they respected each other. There was also passion, which was kept in check by their fights. Marriage between the two would have been quite interesting.

The fact that they keep "missing" each other speaks to the idea that they might not make a good match. Both are prideful and refuse to admit what they really feel. Lily is especially concerned with social status and only learns too late that such status is not important when one is concerned with love. He finds her dead at the end only to realize that he has loved her all along. They would, in all likelihood, continue to "miss" each other throughout any kind of relationship they might pursue.