Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

If you had to sort the golden trio into different houses whta woulf they be and why?

I was wondering because most people are struggling to decide whether Hermione is a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Same as Ron who people think he is a Hufflepuff and people say harry is just a Gryffindor, so what do you think.

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I really am not sure. I think this wants your opinion rather than mine.

The only reason why Hermione wasn´t put into Slytherin was because she was muggleborn. Hermione is brave but that doesn´t automatically mean she´s a Gryffindore. Ambition, resourcefulness, cunning, cleverness, and fraternalism are all the traits Hermione has. Those are also the traits of Slytherin. But most likely she could have been sorted into Ravenclaw because of her intelligent.

Harry would have made a very great Slytherin. His traits are ambitious,cunning,sneaky,and his green eyes for some reason match the house color.

Ron would have just stayed in Gryfindore because none of the other houses would fit his traits.