Hard Times

Compare and contrast between m chockum child and slackbridge

Hard times character analysis

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Both characters are "bad" in the sense that they take advantage of other people or dislike them intensely. Slackbridge gives speeches that talk people into doing something they do not necessarily want to do: unionize and then ostracize Stephen Blackpool. In this sense, he kills their initiative. McChoakumchild - whose name truly says it all - is a teacher who also kills any initiative the children might have. He figuratively "chokes" it out of them and could not care less. Neither one of them has any caring for another person.

Both characters are "bad" in the sense that they take advantage of other people or dislike them intensely. Slackbridge gives speeches that talk people into doing something they do not necessarily want to do: unionize and then ostracize Stephen Blackpool. In this sense, he kills their initiative. McChoakumchild - whose name truly says it all - is a teacher who also kills any initiative the children might have. He figuratively "chokes" it out of them and could not care less. Neither one of them has any caring for another person.