Harbor Me

What's the plot in the middle of the book, in "Harbor Me"?

The middle of the book

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Esteban shares that he and his family are the native of Dominican Republic and don't have US citizenship. So, his father has been arrested by immigration officials and placed in a detention center in Florida. He is worried about the safety of his father and his family. Haley McGrath also experiences the same feelings because his father has also been arrested by authorities. He is convicted of vehicular homicide. She lives with his uncle in her family home. She used to record her thoughts and took the recorder to the ARTT room.

Ameri, a black boy, expresses his fear and frustration related to racism in the USA. He was warned to play with a toy gun by his father. But, many other white boys are permitted to do the same with any fear. Ashton, a white boy, also has his fear because he is bullied after school. Besides this, Ameri and Ashton are good friends and support each other. Tiago has his story of discrimination at different times in life. His family is migrated from Puerto Rico. He prefers to talk in Spanish and struggles to switch between English and Spanish. Due to this, he has been instructed to go back to his country, though he is an American citizen.

