Gulliver's Travels

explain gulliver's account of the vices prevelant among his countrymen


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Each place that Gulliver visits represent various vices of his British countrymen. At first the Lilliputians seem amiable, but the reader soon sees them for the ridiculous and petty creatures they are. In Brobdingnag he is a novelty. He is humiliated by the King when he is made to see the difference between how England is and how it ought to be. In Laputa, the people are over-thinkers and are ridiculous in other ways. Also, he meets the Stuldbrugs, a race endowed with immortality. Gulliver discovers that they are miserable. It isn't until his fourth voyage, to the land of the Houyhnhnms, where Gulliver sees how humans should be without vices. You can check out the GradeSaver summary below as well.