Great Expectations

why does magwitch say he will get pleasure watching pip spend money

chapter 40

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Magwitch will derive pleasure watching Pip spend his money because in a way he is thumbing his nose at all the people who tried to keep him down. Pip is the one person who help Magwitch...... and it's Magwitch's pleasure to see him spend the fortune he's afforded him, as well as to watch him be the gentleman Magwitch could never be.

"There's something worth spending in that there book, dear boy. It's yourn. All I've got ain't mine; it's yourn. Don't you be afeerd on it. There's more where that come from. I've come to the old country fur to see my gentleman spend his money like a gentleman. That'll be my pleasure. My pleasure 'ull be fur to see him do it. And blast you all!" he wound up, looking round the room and snapping his fingers once with a loud snap, "blast you every one, from the judge in his wig, to the colonist a stirring up the dust, I'll show a better gentleman than the whole kit on you put together!"


Great Expectations