Gran Torino

Describe Walt’s relationship with his family.

Give examples to support your answers

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From the outset of the film, Walt is depicted as an isolated, self-reliant figure who trusts no one and refuses to let anyone get close to him. He even keeps his children at an arm's length, responding to their presence with gruffness and avoidance. As the film progresses, it becomes clear that Walt's defiance of any authority but his own is simultaneously what keeps him going and what is leading to his downfall. Having put off medical attention rather than seek treatment for his bloody cough, Walt receives a bad diagnosis that he finds he cannot bring himself to share with his son over the phone; to do so would require too much vulnerability.

“I’ve got more in common with these gooks than I do my own rotten family. Happy birthday.”

STEVE: My point is that there’s nothing anyone can do that won’t disappoint the Old Man.


ASHLEY I never knew you had a cool old car.

WALT It’s only been in here since before you were born.

ASHLEY So, what are you like going to do with it like, when... you die?


Gran Torino