George's Marvelous Medicine

In your opinion, what part has been the most interesting ??

Any part of the entire book

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I enjoyed the part when Grandma takes the medicine. It was inventive and funny. The result of Grandma actually taking George’s concoction is the point toward which the entire story has been moving. The entire story is on the line at this moment; if the consequences do not pay off, the rest of the tale will collapse under the weight of that failure. Imagery at this critical juncture is an essential tool of composition and the slowing down of time through the use of ellipses (…) is every bit as integral as the onomatopoeia and smiles:

“her whole body shot up whoosh into the air. It was exactly as though someone had pushed an electric wire underneath of her chair and switched on the current. Up she want like a jack-in-the-box...and she didn’t come down…she stayed there…suspended in midair…about two feet up…still in a sitting position…but rigid now…frozen…quivering…eyes bulging…the hair standing right up on end.”