Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon

How does Charlie react when the boy in the diner drops the dishes?

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Charlie laughs along with everyone else.

I felt sick inside as I looked at his dull, vacuous smile-the wide, bright eyes of a child, uncertain but eager to please, and I realized what I had recognized in him. They were laughing at him because he was retarded.
And at first I had been amused along with the rest.
Suddenly, I was furious at myself and all those who were smirking at him. I wanted to pick up the dishes and throw them. I wanted to smash their laughing faces. I jumped up and shouted: "Shut up! Leave him alone! He can't understand. He can't help what he is... but for God's sake, have some respectl He's a human beingl"


Flowers for Algernon