Fifth Business

What happens to Leola? Why is Dunstan angry with Leola?

Part 4 Chapter 4

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Leola eventually finds out about Boy’s philandering from a note in his coat pocket. She confronts him, and he coldly assures her that her “situation is quite secure,” but that a life of children is not the type of thing he can be "tied down to" (214). He then storms out of the house.

Later that night, Dunstan finds her in her room. She attempts to seduce him, but he rejects her, as gently as possible. She is crying as he leaves. He soon learns from the children's nurse that she has attempted suicide, and addressed her suicide note to him. Frightened of the implication, he rushes to the scene, and destroys the note before anyone sees it.

Leola survives, but gives up on her life, falling even further into a depression. Boy, unfazed by the incident, carries on as usual.