Fever 1793

Why does Matilda say, “What was wrong with the world? Would I not next see birds flying backward, or cows crocheting doilies?” (page 93) How do people react towards the sick? How would you react if you someone like the farmer and you encountered someone s

Why does Matilda say, “What was wrong with the world? Would I not next
see birds flying backward, or cows crocheting doilies?” (page 93) How do
people react towards the sick? How would you react if you someone like the
farmer and you encountered someone sick? Why would you react in this

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Last updated by Javier A #1200706
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While walking back to Philadelphia, Mattie and her grandfather are shunned. Hospitality and assistance has disappeared, they are treated like the plague itself.


Fever 1793

How would you react if you someone like the
farmer and you encountered someone sick? Why would you react in this


Fever 1793