Fever 1793

What surprise awaits Matilda and Grandfather when they arrive back at the coffeehouse? Describe the scene. How has this made life more difficult for them? If you were Matilda what would you if in this position?

What surprise awaits Matilda and Grandfather when they arrive back at the
coffeehouse? Describe the scene. How has this made life more difficult for
them? If you were Matilda what would you if in this position?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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When Mattie and her grandfather arrive at the coffeehouse, they find that that ir has been looted and vandalized. Their rooms upstairs, however, have been left untouched, and the strongbox that contains their money is still there. Determined to make it work, they clean the coffeehouse, search for food find the cat, and gather a few plants from the garden that haven't been eaten by insects.


Fever 1793