Fever 1793

Grandfather and Matilda finally decide to head into the country. Describe their journey. What plan does Matilda make now that her Mother’s plan for her has gone so drastically wrong?

Grandfather and Matilda finally decide to head into the country. Describe
their journey. What plan does Matilda make now that her Mother’s plan for
her has gone so drastically wrong?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Mattie and her grandfather leave Philadelphia in a farmer's wagon. Grandfather develops a cough, but he distracts Mattie by telling her stories. After many hours, the wagon is stopped by four horsemen, who are carrying muskets and blocking the road. They tell the group that everyone must pass a medical examination before proceeding. Grandpa fails the examination because of his cough, and the farmer tells Mattie and her grandfather they must leave his wagon. Mattie determines that she will return to Philadelphia, even if she has to walk.


Fever 1793