Farewell to Manzanar

Give examples of changes in Jeanne’s relationship with her parents. To what extent are those changes a result of internment? To what extent do they reflect the fact that Jeanne is growing up? To what extent are they prompted by changes in her parents?

Examples of changes in Jeanne’s relationship with her parents. To what extent
are those changes a result of internment? To what extent do they reflect the fact that
Jeanne is growing up? To what extent are they prompted by changes in her parents?

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Last updated by Lacey R #1079533
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The changes in Jeanne's relationship with her parents is that she is growing more distant with them after they grew closer together. The extent of those changes are a result is that she did a lot of extra curriculum activities like religion that her father didn't agree with. She went to her sisters and her mother for help instead of her father. She talks about how family's aren't eating with each other and growing more distant. The extent that they reflect the fact that Jeanne is growing up is that she is more independent in the camp. She relies on herself more. The extent that they are prompted by changes in her parents is that because they are more distant now, she has learned to take care of herself rather then running to her parents. The parents are growing closer which is pushing other people, like Jeanne, out.