Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 quote

I need an answer for each of these questions.

“There it lay, a game for him to win, a vast bowling alley in the cool morning. The boulevard was as clean as the surface of an arena two minutes before the appearance of certain unnamed victims and certain unknown killers. The air over and above the vast concrete river trembled with the warmth of Montag’s body alone; it was incredible how he felt his temperature could cause the whole immediate world to vibrate. He was a phosphorescent target; he know it, he felt it. And now he must begin hislittle walk” (119).

Question :

2. What is Montag referring to when he thinks to himself, “ … of an arena two minutes before the appearance of certain unnamed victims and certain unknown killers”?

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At any moment Montag might be caught by those who are hunting for him and hope to destroy him because he now wants to read and have books in his possession. If he gets caught, he will, in fact, be in an arena in a fight which he will undoubtedly lose.