Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

Luego de la lectura de la segunda parte de la novela “La criba y la arena” responde:
1) ¿Cuál es la importancia del personaje de Faber en la novela? ¿Qué representa?
2) ¿Qué relevancia, trascendencia o importancia tenían las “paredes” de las
casas? ¿Qué función cumplían?

3) ¿Cómo se ve reflejada la tecnología en la novela? ¿Qué nos quiere decir el autor con esto?
Explicar con fragmentos extraídos de la novela.

After reading the second part of the novel "The criba and the sand" he answers:
1) What is the importance of the character of Faber in the novel? what Represents?

2) What relevance, significance or importance had the "walls" of the
houses? What function did they fulfill?

3) How is technology reflected in the novel? What does the author mean by this?
Explain with extracts from the novel.

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What relevance, significance or importance had the "walls" of thehouses? What function did they fulfill?

The Parlor walls are a TV like projection that Mildred watches all the time. They are vacuous shows meant to lull people into ignorance. They are juxtaposed with the wisdom of books that are no longer read and that Montag used to burn. Montag ends up burning them because they represent everything that is wrong with their society, they remind him of Mildred and her vacant headed friends.