Everyday Use

How does her use of these different types of language add to Walker’s characterization of the narrator?

How does her having different languages add to walkers narrator?

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In using the first-person point of view, Walker gives Mrs. Johnson a pattern of speech that defines her character. She is an uneducated woman, but she is quite able to express herself. Walker's subtle rendering of her voice immeditely makes the reader aware of the fact that this older rural woman can not only express her self..... but that she can do so with efficient, lyrical clarity, as in her account of having "knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and [having] had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall." Through the character of Mrs. Johnson, Walker artfully makes it clear that a "good" education does not necessarily result in a "better" form of speech.


Everyday Use