Esperanza Rising

why was esperanza angry that she was moving to california?

so at the end of chapter 4 los higos (figs) the author said that esperanza was sad and angry about moving to california, we know why she was sad,but why was she angry?

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Esperanza was angry that she had to leave..... she was leaving her home, her belongings. her friends, and her school. The text says that her emotions were tangled..... her frustration and sadness were all mixed together.


Esperanza Rising, pg. 56

I love your respond I agree every part you said.

Esperanza is so frustrated with life in California because she has a difficult time adjusting to the small living quarters she was so used to living in a big house And now she's living in a small house she doesn't like .It also hard for her moving to california without her was even harder for her to live a life without him.She was also mad because she left some stuff at her old house and her friends and her school.her frustration and sadness were all mixed together.

This is because whenever you have things that you really value in your life, it is a hard feeling of sadness when you leave it behind.


Chapter 4-5