Esperanza Rising

What gesture makes Esperanza begin to worry?

What gesture makes Esperanza begin to worry?

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I'm not sure what chapter you are referring to. In chapter 2 Esperanza is gathering roses in preparation for the big party. She pricks her thumb on a nasty thorn, and thinks, "bad luck."

in las uvas it says, Someone had knit a shawl and draped it over Our Lady’s shoulders and the sweetness of the gesture made Esperanza cry. so that is the real awnser. i had a tpt asignment on esperansa


Esperanza rising book

also if you do comand f in a ebook and serch 'gesture' it will highlit this, 'Someone had knit a shawl and draped it over Our Lady’s shoulders and the sweetness of the gesture made Esperanza cry'.


esperanza e-book