Esperanza Rising

Abuelita tells Esperanza about the phoenix and the zig-zag crochet blanket. What do these objects symbolize?

On page 49-50 Abuelita tells Esperanza about leaving Spain with her family. How does the symbolism of the phoenix relate to Abuelta's story? Why might Abuelita be telling this to Esperanza?

On page 51, Abuelita gives Esperanza instructions about the blanket and describes mountains and
valleys. We know Abuelita is not talking about actual mountains and valleys, so these are a symbol of an idea.
What is the bigger idea that the blanket represents?

what both the phoenix and blanket symbolize. Consider the two
symbols together. What do they overall represent? Make sure you synthesize the
symbolism of the phoenix and the blanket into one overall idea.

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The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth and death: it rises from the ashes to recreate itself. Abuelita tells Esperanza that they will be like the phoenix, "rising again, with a new life ahead of us" ch 4