Esperanza Renace

1. Explica el significado del bulto húmedo que llevaban Miguel y Alfonso durante el viaje. 2. ¿Qué habían construido Alfonso y Miguel? 3. ¿Por qué estaban bañándose? 4. Explica la razón que Esperanza corrió a buscar el agua para Hortensia antes que nadie.

1. Explain the meaning of the humid bundle that Miguel and Alfonso carried during the trip.
2. What had Alfonso and Miguel built?
3. Why were they bathing?
4. Explain the reason Esperanza ran to fetch water for Hortensia before anyone else.
5. Why is the advice Isabel gives Esperanza so important?
6. What do almonds peel for?
7. How to react the crowd when hearing of a strike?
8. Why did Marta want a strike?
9. Why didn't Esperanza want to talk about the Aguascalientes festivities?
10. Why will Esperanza and Ramona pray?

all in one ch 8

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Last updated by Aslan
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Explain the meaning of the humid bundle that Miguel and Alfonso carried during the trip.

The bundle is filled with rose cuttings Miguel brought with them..... Papa's roses.

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