Emily Dickinson's Collected Poems

images and key words recur in Dickinson poems

Check her poems

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The recurring images and key words that recur in Emily's poems are based on the main themes she discusses. For example, "the achievement of status or the lack of status; repeatedly she uses terms like "queen," "royal," "imperial," and "lowly."

"Dickinson commonly used vibrant words, her own personal meanings for words, metaphors, and similes in her writing. All of these created a style of figurative language that is unique to all of Emily Dickinson poetry."

One very common use of imagery used by Dickinson was that of nature as an image of God or heaven.


http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/dickinson.html#style http://sites.google.com/site/emilydickinsoncalesavannah/figurative-language-commonly-used-in-dickinson-s-writing The Imagery of Emily Dickinson, by Ruth Flanders McNaughton (1977)