El enfermo imaginario

What was the plan that Antoñita proposed to discover the truth about Argan?

What was the plan that Antoñita proposed to discover the truth about Argan?
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The faking of Argan's death involves several issues. On the one hand, it foregrounds the issue of representation, and it does so from a striking place, while simulation appears as a means to arrive at a truth. The idea of Argán faking his death is for everyone to witness the reaction of Belina, a woman who, according to characters like Toñeta and Beraldo, is only married to Argán because she is interested in his money. The protagonist maintains that his wife loves him nobly and faithfully, and to prove it, he lends himself to the representation suggested by Toñeta, pretending to be dead. It is then a representation for which different characters expect different reactions from the audience (Belina is, in a way, the audience of the representation that Argán makes) and depending on what that reaction actually is, it will be defined which of the characters is right and will act accordingly.

