Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Can anyone give me a quick background information of the story..

like a summary of the book in less than 10 sentences..

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Ten sentences is difficult but I'll try. The story is about a man, Dr. Jekyll,with a dual personality. Jekyll wants to break the bounds of his constricting Victorian society and develops a potion by which he transforms into his evil alter ego Mr. Hyde. AS Mr. Hyde, he is free to indulge in his dark fantasies. At this time, the narrator of the book, Mr. Utterson, is intrigued with the rash of crimes going on in the city. By the end we find Dr. Jekyll holding on to a shred of sanity he has left.

Jekyll wants to break the bounds of his constricting Victorian society and develops a potion by which he transforms into his evil alter ego Mr. Hyde.

Can you reword that? I'm having a hard time understanding the victorian part.