Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

In Ch.12, Luba Luft's quote.

“It’s very nice of you. [. . .] There’s something very strange and touching about humans. An android would never have done that.”“I really don’t like androids. Ever since I got here from Mars my life has consisted of imitating the human, doing what she would do, acting as if I had the thoughts and an impulses a human would have.”

What its mean about the whole of novel or author's intention?

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Luba Luft is a Nexus-6 android posing as an opera singer with the San Francisco Opera. She wants a picture of Munch's Puberty and Deckard buys the whole book of his works. Luba is touched with the complexity of emotions and empathy that allowed Deckard to buy her the book. This falls in line with the fundamental theme exploring what it means to feel emotion and what it means to be human.