Dead Poets Society

Dead Poet's Society Study Guide

1) What three classes are shown before the boys go to English?

2) Why does Mr. Keating have the boys rip out the introduction of their poetry book?

3) According to Keating, why do we read and write poetry?

4) "The powerful play goes on and you will contribute a verse." What question does Keating ask after this statement?

5) Where does the Dead Poets Society meet?

6) Why does Keating stand on his desk and make the other boys do the same?

7) When the other boys are outside fencing and dancing, what is Todd doing?

8) Who does Knox write his poem for?

9) After the poem about the cat, Keating says, "Just don't let your poems be _____?" Fill in the blank.

10) What does Chris do when Knox calls her?

11) What is "the point" according to Knox, of Chris inviting him to the party?

12) What does Mr. Keating say he thinks is the purpose of education?

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There is science, math, and latin if I remember correctly. Please submit each of your questions one at a time. thanks.