Crying in H Mart

How does Zauner help the reader understand her grief?

How? Is it a connection?

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Zauner uses honesty and distinct imagery to convey her grief... he fedeling of guilt, and the blame she places on her father because of his seeming inability to do more to help her mother. The author's grief is bound up in her guilt... tied to the feeling that she didn't do enough.... almost as if she believes that she could have stopped the cancer's progression by will alone.

I would learn to cook for her—all the things she loved to eat, and I would singlehandedly keep her from withering away. I would repay her for all the debts I'd accrued. I would be everything she ever needed. I would make her sorry for ever not wanting me to be there. I would be the perfect daughter. -- Michelle Zauner (chapter 6 paragraph 2)


Crying in H Mart