Cry, the Beloved Country

Which school did Kumalo want his son to go to?

Which school did kumalo want his son to go to

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Chapter please?

Answer to your other question, as I am unable to post for some reason....

Kumalo's greatest concern is financial. The trip to Johannesburg is expensive, his sister is sick, and he is doesn't know how to navigate the city. Kumalo's greatest fear, however, is the fear of not knowing what has happened to his son.

This is a long way to go, and a lot of money to pay. And who knows how sick his sister may be, and what money that may cost? And if he has to bring her back, what will that cost too? And Johannesburg is a great city, with so many streets they say that a man can spend his days going up one and down another, and never the same one twice. One must catch buses too, but not as here, where the only bus that comes is the right bus. For there there is a multitude of buses, and only one bus in ten, one bus in twenty maybe, is the right bus. If you take the wrong bus, you may travel to quite some other place. And they say it is danger to cross the street, yet one must needs cross it. For there the wife of Mpanza of Ndotsheni, who had gone there when Mpanza was dying, saw her son Michael killed in the street. Twelve years and moved by excitement, he stepped out into danger, but she was hesitant and stayed at the curb. And under her eyes the great lorry crushed the life out of her son.

And the great fear too—the greatest fear since it was so seldom spoken. Where was their son? Why did he not write anymore?