Cry, the Beloved Country

For many years, South Africa was a divided society. Compare what you now know about South Africa during apartheid to what you know about America’s racially segregated past. How are the two similar? How are they different?

For many years, South Africa was a divided society. Compare what you now know about South Africa during apartheid to what you know about America’s racially segregated past. How are the two similar? How are they different?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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This is a VERY involved question. You're going to need your American history book for this one. America's past was certainly racially segregated, and the process of overcoming that segregation was long and arduous. I don't know how much info you need to formulate this or how detailed and answer you need, but I have known teachers who've compared and contrasted this novel with Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin. That's going a bit back in history........ but it can be done.

America's process in embracing civil rights was long and involved........ maybe you could create two timelines for this question.......... help your teacher and classmates visualize the process.