Crow Country

Will I be able to have quotes of idea 3? To find which part where it is in the novel crow country?

After a heinous crime is committed against a man in the 1930s, all the evidence of the same is swept away by the floods that soon follow. In order to solve the mystery that lies behind the murder, someone has to travel back in time and learn from the crows of her ancestry as well as unravel the mystery of what happens. Sadie is just the right person for the job. After Sadie moves to her hometown later, she is time-traveled back to the time when the murder was committed in order to try and solve the same. Sadie becomes a bridge between the past and future then as she learns of what had transpired in those times. Sadie is able to learn, with the help of the crows, of what had happened then. She discovers how her ancestors being part of a development company plot to kill Lachie Mortlock and flood the valley after that to hide evidence of the same. Through the fact that she is able to travel back in time from the future to understand the murder with a new set of eyes, it can be argued that, indeed, Sadie is a bridge between the present and the past in Crow Country.

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Idea three?