Code Talker

Uncle takes his leave without looking back. Kii Yazhi says there is no word for goodbye in Navajo. how does This Ard to our motif of language?what might it foreshadowe

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Language is a common theme in Chester's life. Raised speaking Navajo, he doesn't learn English until he is sent to a boarding school for elementary school. There they punish him for speaking his native language, although he has not yet learned English. This is an important moment for him because for the first time Chester feels ashamed of his cultural identity. Trying to fit in, he learns English quickly. In the war, his native language becomes his and many other people's saving grace in the top secret code writing operation. The success of his mission depends upon his ability to use his native Navajo in creative ways to confuse the Japanese. Even after the war, he continues to rely upon language to make the plight of his people known to the country through his public speaking.

