Code Talker

How does neds Navajo identity provide strength during times of challenge

like how does he help everyone during the hard times with his Navajo identity

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Chester's identity as a Navajo is of paramount importance to him. Being raised by his parents with a strong appreciation for his cultural heritage, he lives in harmony with the customs of his people whenever possible. His heritage is the defining feature about Chester, one which is solidified during the war. To be able to use his native language to protect his homeland is the fulfillment of his wildest dreams. After the declassification of his work in 1968, Chester continues to make his parents proud by becoming a public speaker and talking about his people and his time in the war. He becomes a significant advocate for the Navajo people, improving their relationship with the government which owes him personally for his invaluable service. All of this is possible because of how Chester's parents raised him to listen to the stories of their people. He possesses an immense understanding of his position in the meta-narrative of the Navajo.