Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Who do you think Mr. Wonka’s worker could be? What special care did he have to take for them?

Chp 11-14

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There is a group of tiny little men walking below the waterfall. Wonka tells the group that they are Oompa-Loompas imported direct from Loompaland to work in his factory. In Loompaland the Oompa-Loompas lived in fear of the terrible beasts that roamed nearby, and they were practically starving to death living only on revolting caterpillars. Their favorite food is cacao beans, but they could never get any—luckily, though, since cacao beans are what chocolate is made from, Wonka offered to let all the Oompa-Loompas live in his factory and eat all the cacao beans they want in exchange for working for him.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory