Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Describe how Charlie got the money.

Chp 8-10

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Charlie got the money from his Grandpa Joe.... it was Grandpa's secret hoard.

The old man gave Charlie a sly grin, and then he started rummaging under his pillow with one hand; and when the hand came out again, there was an ancient leather purse clutched in the fingers. Under cover of the bedclothes, the old man opened the purse and tipped it upside down. Out fell a single silver sixpence. ‘It’s my secret hoard,’ he whispered.

The next time Charlie gets money, he finds it in the snow.

Then one afternoon, walking back home with the icy wind in his face (and incidentally feeling hungrier than he had ever felt before), his eye was caught suddenly by something silvery lying in the gutter, in the snow. Charlie stepped off the kerb and bent down to examine it. Part of it was buried under the snow, but he saw at once what it was.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory