Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Chapter 25 to 27

What happened to Mike teevee?

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Mike Teavee is the secondary antagonist of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He is one of the five winners of the golden tickets. Mike is from the city of Denver, Colorado, USA and his time outside of school is spent on watching television and playing video games.

In shock from watching the exploding candy parade, Mike said that he wants to pick a button, and Willy Wonka, in a state of daze, allows him to do so. Mike selects the Television Room button. Willy Wonka tells the guests about his new invention, which shrinks down items and broadcasts them. Willy Wonka states that he will utilize the machine to send chocolate to the public via their television sets, a phenomenon that Willy Wonka refers to as 'Television Chocolate'. Mike scoffs at such a claim, branding it as absurd and proceeding to tell Willy Wonka that he understands nothing of science. After a demonstration proves that the invention is indeed a success, Mike begins to marvel at the machine's potential possibility as a teleporter capable of transporting whole people to different locations and rushes to test his hypothesis first-hand against Willy Wonka's wishes. The end result is Mike being shrunken so small, his voice sounds like a mouse. Willy Wonka suggests Mike be put in the taffy puller to get him back to normal size. He also likes cheese.

However, the Oompa Loompas overstretch Mike and he leaves the factory ten feet tall and extremely thin.


book Charlie and the chocolate factory written by Roald dhal