Cat Person


what does kristin roujenian argues that the nature of romantic relationships is ?

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What do you mean by "the nature of romantic relationships"? Roujenian details the way Margot allows her crush on Robert to develop out of control based on their text message exchange, without thinking too hard about their actual in-person interactions. This is facilitated by Margot's trip home for break, where she stays in close contact with Robert, fantasizing about him constantly. When she returns, she is disappointed—first by his standoffishness, and later, by his inability to meet the standard she has created for him in her mind. This demonstrates how, early in relationships, people often set expectations for their partners that are based on subjective fantasies—fantasies that real, flawed human beings inevitably fail to live up to. Margot's experience thus shows the tricky nature of fantasy: it can be fun—even sustaining—in the early stages of a relationship, but comes at a risk, as real life hardly unfolds in accordance with our fantastic expectations.


Cat Person