Call of the Wild

How do Francois and Perrault display their true natures in Chapter 3? I need specific examples from the text to support answer.

I need specific examples from the text to support answer.

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The characters of these two guys are seen through their relationship with their dogs. Francois is a little more sympathetic to the dogs while Perrault treats them only as working animals. After the dogs are wounded from wolf attacks the team sets out on the toughest part of the trail. Francois is worried that the dogs will develop madness because of their wounds, but Perrault refuses to coddle them. Buck's feet give him trouble, for they have softened in the generations since his ancestors roamed the forests. Francois makes buck four moccasins, which he uses until his feet grow tough, and they are thrown away.


Thank you very mush Aslan!

You are welcome!