Call of the Wild


Describe in detail what happens to Curly.

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After landing and being released, Curly attempted to greet a husky, who proceeded to quickly rip open her face. In moments, the pair were surrounded by the other dogs, who waited silently. She tried to fight back, but her inexperience left her at a disadvantage. When Curly fell for the last time, the circle of dogs rushed her.

They were camped near the log store, where she, in her friendly way, made advances to a husky dog the size of a full-grown wolf, though not half so large as she. There was no warning, only a leap in like a flash, a metallic clip of teeth, a leap out equally swift, and Curly's face was ripped open from eye to jaw.

It was the wolf manner of fighting, to strike and leap away; but there was more to it than this. Thirty or forty huskies ran to the spot and surrounded the combatants in an intent and silent circle. Buck did not comprehend that silent intentness, nor the eager way with which they were licking their chops. Curly rushed her antagonist, who struck again and leaped aside. He met her next rush with his chest, in a peculiar fashion that tumbled her off her feet. She never regained them. This was what the onlooking huskies had waited for. They closed in upon her, snarling and yelping, and she was buried, screaming with agony, beneath the bristling mass of bodies.


Call of the Wild