Brave New World

chap 6 What upsets Bernard when he is at the Reservation? What does this suggest about his values and the effectiveness of his conditioning? Is he really that different from Lenina?

What upsets Bernard when he is at the Reservation? What does this suggest about his values and the effectiveness of his conditioning? Is he really that different from Lenina?

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Bernard remembers that he left a perfume tap running in his home, and that it will be quite expensive. This makes him very upset. He calls Helmholtz to get it turned off and learns that the Director has decided to transfer him to Iceland as soon as a replacement is found. Iceland is a place devoid of progress and the creature comforts of life in England. Previously, Bernard yearned to feel what it might be like to encounter disappointment or struggles in life. He realizes that such emotions are not what he thought they would be. Lenina makes him take several soma to quell the emotions, which marks the difference in their conditioning. Lenina is conditioned to take a pill when feelong emotional, whereas, Bernard embraces the emotion.
