Because of Winn-Dixie

what are the charicteristics of Otis?

i want to know the charicteristics of otis. please awnser quickly because this is for a school project!

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Otis is the shy and quiet pet shop manager who hire Opal when she begs him for a job to earn a collar for Winn-Dixie. He teaches Opal a life lesson that people are not always what they seem. He keeps to himself and prefers the company of animals to people. He has social anxiety and deals with it by playing music, it is what makes him happy and brings him peace. Music is also what gives him a bad reputation, it is the reason he was thrown into jail and has a dark stigma attached to him. Opal and Winn-Dixie help Otis get over his fear of human interaction and overcome his anxiety by slowly integrating him into their world. With Opal's encouragement, Otis steps out of his comfort zone with the animals and find acceptance, belonging and gets over his loneliness.