Barrio Boy

Barrio Boy

What is the most important idea in the first paragraph? Cite specific evidence from the selection or make inferences drawn from the text to support your answer.

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The story begins with a description of the physical characteristics and history of Jalcocotbn, the mountain village where Ernie is born. Indian ancestors originally founded the village, called Jalco for short. They chose the location because it offered natural protection from intruders and the harsh wind and sun. Jalco is reachable only by steep, rocky trails. Secret footpaths lead from the village into the forest and higher up the mountain, providing an escape route in the event of an attack. The forest around the village is immense and heavily populated with a variety of birds. Villagers rely on silent turkey vultures, or buzzards, to pick up household garbage that is thrown out in a ditch alongside the street.

The description emphasizes Jalco's separation from other communities as well as its rural, undeveloped atmosphere. From the beginning, the text is peppered with Spanish words, underscoring the underlying cultural difference between the English-speaking world and the Spanish-speaking world.