As You Like It

What elements of drama were used?

Please offer specific examples of their use and how they helped to set the scene, further the story, define characters and/or further the play's theme.

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As You Like It by William Shakespeare, like many of his plays, incorporates various elements of drama. Here are unique examples of how certain factors are used inside the play to set the scene, in addition to the story, define characters, and discover themes:


Forest of Arden:

The forest setting serves as an area of transformation and freedom. It contrasts sharply with the courtly existence, permitting characters to redefine themselves. This setting units the degree for the various play's events, imparting a space for cover, self-discovery, and romantic entanglements.


Romantic Comedy:

The play follows romantic comedy conventions, with flawed identities, love before everything, sight, and reconciliations. For example, Rosalind disguises herself as Ganymede, and this disguise lets her influence and apprehend the other characters.



As the crucial individual, Rosalind's wit, intelligence, and resourcefulness outline her. Her cover as Ganymede allows her to look at and control events, including the depth of her man or woman.


Poetry and Prose:

The play capabilities both poetry and prose. Orlando, for example, expresses his love for Rosalind through poetic language, emphasizing the emotional intensity of the characters. Touchstone, the courtroom jester, often uses prose and wit to comment on the activities in a funny manner.