Artemis Fowl

How is Artemis fowl tricked by the LEP when his plan begins to crumble?

Chapter 7 in the Artemis fowl book.

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In Chapter 7, we see the narrative building towards the climax of Artemis Fowl. For the first time, the fairies have outsmarted Artemis by feeding a video loop through his security cameras. When he discovers this, he is shocked: "Artemis glanced at the landing cameras. Deserted. From every angle. Definitely no waving manservant. He studied the monitors, counting under his breath . . . There! Every ten seconds, a slight jump. On every screen . . . Artemis's stomach dropped into a queasy hell. Duped! He, Artemis Fowl, had been duped, even though he'd known it was coming. Inconceivable" (179).

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