Agnes Scott College

In "the story of an hour" by kate chopin, did Louise Mallard die of overjoy or over disappointment?

please, give me the answer within 400 words from the story named "the story of an hour" by kate chopin.

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It would seem as though Chopin wants us to believe she died from disappointment. Mallard is, at first, shocked by the news of her husband's death, but as she realizes what this means for her in a moment of solitude, she whispers the words "Free! Body and soul free!" Later, when her sister worries that she has locked herself in the room because she is upset, the narrator states that Mallard was "drinking in the very elixir of life." It is not meant to imply that Mallard hated her husband; rather it states that she loved him "sometimes." But rather, it is a statement of the oppression she felt as a woman in her marriage. And when all her new-found "freedom" is immediately ripped away from her, she dies.