Baylor College Medical School

Barking dogs seldom bite.

Please, Give me the interpretation of the English proverb. Which culture belongs to the proverb? Why does the proverb related with the culture? plase give me the answer within 400-500 words.

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Barking dogs seldom bite

Meaning: Don't be afraid of dogs that bark or people that threaten you (say they will do something bad to you) - in both cases they rarely take action.

Note: bark (verb): (of a dog) make a sharp, loud, explosive sound | seldom (adverb): rarely, almost never | bite (verb): (of an animal) use the teeth to attack and cut | This proverb is also found as: "Barking dogs never bite."


Meaning: Don't be afraid of dogs that bark or people that threaten you (say they will do something bad to you) - in both cases they rarely take action. The proverb "Barking dogs seldom bite" suggests that people who say they are going to do something bad to us usually do nothing.