Animal Farm

How do the Animals strive for equality in their society? Are their positions equal?

How do the Animals strive for equality in their society? Are their positions equal?

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In the beginning of Animal Farm, the idea of freedom rouses the animals as if from a long slumber. Immediately following Major’s death, the animals begin preparing themselves for the Rebellion; just the idea of revolution is enough to motivate them, since they do not expect it to happen in their lifetimes. Napoleon’s propaganda keeps them invested in the “greater good” and the illusion of freedom. The animals work together and accomplish together, but there is no equality, as Napoleon and the pigs take over a little bit at a time. The animals sometimes question decisions, motives, and actions, but they rarely confront them. They are controlled by fear.... both fear of the inknown and the physical punishments they see meted out. They are manipulated by lies, and eventually, they become apathetic.

