An Arundel Tomb

Marigolds: Throughout the story what shows why Lizabeth is becoming a adult?

how is she on the verge of becoming a adult

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In the story, Marigolds, Lizabeth is growing up. She recognizes these changes in herself...

“…a strange restlessness of body and of spirit, a feeling that something old and familiar was ending and something unknown and therefore terrifying was beginning.”

and although she goes along with the group when they decide they want to aggravate Miss Lottie. She is ashamed afterward..... for the first time she understood the hurt she caused by her thoughtless actions.

“Suddenly I was ashamed, and I did not like being ashamed. The child in me sulked and said it was all in fun, but the woman in me flinched at the thought of the malicious attack that I had led. “

