Amusing Ourselves to Death

Amusing ourselves to death, Neil Postman

Postman discusses the concept of Americans "conquering" space (not in the off-world kind}. What does he mean by this and how do media play a part in it?

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It seems almost unnecessary to state, but Media is the primary theme of Amusing Ourselves to Death. One could conceivably argue that media as a general theme is more important to the book than television itself is. Whereas the book is centered on an examination of television, Postman's major point seems to be that we must understand the way media informs our public discourse. It takes almost half of the book for him to directly address television, while the first half is focused on print and oratory based cultures. Overall, in the final chapter, his best advice for navigating the difficulties posed by television is that we must become aware of the way media informs us. The fear is that media controls us, when we should control it.