Amos Fortune, Free Man

Once becoming a "free man" Amos took measures to change his life. In order (sequence) tell a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 steps he used to move his life foward

minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 steps Amos used in the order as a free man

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This is only a short answer space but I can make a general statement. The main character is an African slave who, by diligence and hard work, earns his own freedom. This cycle from freedom in his village, to slavery in his youth, to freedom again in his later years reflects the great impact the theme of freedom has in this man's life, and therefore in this novel. When he is in slavery, Amos longs for freedom, although he is certainly patient - when asked by Celia Copeland if he wanted to be free, he told her that he would be ready eventually, but he was satisfied working for Caleb. Once he is free, he does his best to extend that freedom to others as well.