Alone (Maya Angelou poem)

What is the message of this poem?

Throughout the whole poem

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“Alone” conveys many themes that appear in other Angelou poems: human suffering, isolation, love, and a need for solidarity in order to rise above the pain and problems that people face. The notion of solidarity is presented as a solution to the poem’s main theme of isolation. While the speaker speaks of the pain of isolation throughout the poem, the repetition of the key stanza also suggests that the speaker is calling for solidarity. While she never explicitly tells the listener what to do, her tone throughout the poem is wise and convincing and resembles the speech of a teacher or religious figure making an important statement. When the speaker addresses the listener directly for the first time near the poem’s conclusion, she is actually demonstrating the act of solidarity by emerging from her own inner monologue and confiding her thoughts and hopes for action to another person.

